COHAB – Identification of solutions for co-habitation between chimpanzees and communities in the Fouta Djallon – 2019 to 2021


Communication note from the “Serious Game” mission – 20th to 26th January 2020

COHAB is a project financed over two and a half years by the ARCUS foundation and implemented by Biotope with the support of its partners Guinée Ecologie, the Jane Goodall Institute and Inspire/CIRAD.  The project’s objective is to identify solutions for co-habitation between chimpanzees and local communities on three pilot sites in the Fouta Djallon.

Biotope’s team of consultants, Anna, Léa and Thierno Mohamed, supported by Claude Garcia of InSpire Strategy & Decision, organised several workshops during a mission in January on the pilot sites (to see the detailed presentation:

The role-play workshops make it possible, through “companion modelling”, to open a dialogue and encourage concertation and collective decision-making.  The objective is to identify, through role plays, technical and organisational solutions for co-habitation.

The game sessions, which lasted 4 hours on average, including discussion with the participants, were recorded on video to enable the speeches and comments to be transcribed.  Those speeches, mostly in local dialects, will be translated into French and constitute the base material for study of the validation and ownership of the model by the local stakeholders.


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