New publication : Volcans, séismes & tsunamis en Méditerranée


The Mediterranean’s complex geological structure, at the intersection of several tectonic plates, puts this region at major geological risk.

The Mediterranean has always seen natural disasters, the most famous of which is the eruption of Vesuvius, which destroyed Pompeii. Recently, major events have brought these major risks to the forefront: in particular, the dramatic tsunamis in Indonesia and Japan, and the recent earthquakes in Italy.

The book examines volcanism, earthquakes and tsunamis, describing their characteristics and effects, as well as the methods used to study, measure, forecast and prevent each of these natural hazards. Putting them in historical perspective, the book shows how knowledge has grown and how we are increasingly taking these geological manifestations into account. The final chapter examines the tectonic plates in the region.

The book contains many photos, maps, graphics and drawings, and will be of interest to a wide audience, including students, secondary school teachers, but also geology and volcanism enthusiasts.

“Volcans, séismes& tsunamis enMéditerranée” is available in bookstores and at Biotope’s online shop, Club Biotope.

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