
Assisting you in developing the energy supply while respecting biodiversity and the environment

Energy is always a major challenge in France, and internationally as well. Renewable energy sources are increasingly pertinent in the energy mix and expanding on a massive scale. Part of the global fight against climate change involves developing renewable energy sources globally. Alongside governments and NGOs, we are particularly attentive to limiting the negative environmental impacts of these projects to ensure they remain virtuous.

Biotope develops diversified and innovative offers to respond to these emerging needs and contribute to the development of highly environmentally responsible energy sources.

Today, we have over 1 800 references in the field of renewable energy sources for more than 300 public and private project promoters.

Our areas of intervention

Wind power monitoring in the Nancy region

Éolienne, région nancéienne, par Thomas Roussel, Biotope.

In accordance with the requirements of Article 12 of the ICPE regime (i.e. facilities requiring an environmental impact assessment), we provided post-construction monitoring of the wind park for five full years. The wind park is located in Haute-Marne and is composed of ten wind turbines.

We monitored bird and bat mortality during the first two years, and the behaviour of nesting birds, heritage birds of prey and bats each year. We also observe migrating and wintering birds. These five years of monitoring will qualify the wind park’s impact, and the need to define measures to reduce the risk of bird and bat mortality.

Parc éolien dans l'Hérault, Biotope. Environmental Impact Study for the creation of ground-mounted photovoltaic power plants

As part of a sustainable development approach, the project owner needed to prepare the regulatory files for the administrative authorisations for the project Our mission involved conducting the environmental impact studies for the projects (including the project, operation and decommissioning phases) in accordance with article L.122-1 of the French Environment Code. NEOEN commissioned us to perform impact studies in eight French towns: Lepaud in Creuse, Labastide-Clermont, Guidel, Gramat, Bajonnette, Amagne, Daigny and Bréban.

We conducted :

  • an analysis of the initial state of the site and its environment ;
  • an analysis of the project’s direct and indirect, and temporary and permanent effects on the environment, and in particular on the fauna and flora, sites and landscapes, soil, water, air, climate, etc.;
  • on the protection of property and the cultural heritage, and, where appropriate, on the convenience of the neighbourhood (…) or on hygiene, health, public cleanliness and safety ;
  • the reasons for choosing the project among the planned parties ;
  • the measures envisaged by the project owner to eliminate, reduce and offset the project’s harmful consequences on the environment ;
  • an analysis of the methods used to assess the project’s effects on the environment, mentioning any difficulties of a scientific or technical nature encountered in establishing the assessment ;
  • a non-technical summary in order to facilitate the public’s understanding of the information contained in the study
  • project management and coordination, consultation and client follow up.

Assistance in the establishment of an experimental river tidal energy prototype and definition of an impact study outline for these new infrastructures

Hydrolienne sur la Loire, par Laurent Philippe, Biotope.

FUI – AAP15 “Hydrofluv” focuses on the development and testing of a river tidal energy turbine capturing the kinetic energy of water courses to provide economic and regular electricity generation.

In a grouping of structures, we were responsible for :

  • establishing the baseline of the fauna and flora on the future site and assessing the potential impact on the Loire Natura 2000 site in Orléans (AOT) ;
  • monitoring impacts during the implementation and operation phase for three years ;
  • defining an outline for the impact study for the establishment of future water turbine farms in France and abroad.

Impact study for the NEMO thermal energy of the seas project NEMO, Biotope

The project concerns the installation of a floating platform for the production of ocean thermal energy (OTE) with 16 MW gross capacity. Pipes are installed under the platform for sea water pumping and discharge. In order to obtain authorisations for the construction and implementation of this innovative project, a complete and accurate environmental impact study had to be conducted on physical and biological aspects, and on human uses and activities such as fishing, maritime traffic, whale watching and other tourist and recreational activities.

The project’senvironmental assessment led to the proposal of impact avoidance and reduction measures, as well as numerous monitoring measures valued at over two million euros.

We coordinated the entire environmental assessment, integrated and analysed the expert reports from the partners and other associated consulting firms. We were in charge of developing and formatting the global impact study, and provided expertise relating to marine mammals, birds, turtles, fishing and heritage protection. We also advised and assisted the project owner in all regulatory proceedings, and in particular with the French Ministry of the Environment responsible for examining the file.

Terminal méthanier de Dunkerque, Biotope.

Dunkerque LNG terminal – Autonomous Port of Dunkirk

Backed by EDF, GRTgaz and the Autonomous Port of Dunkirk, the construction of the LNG terminal and its pier represents an investment of 1.5 billion euros and will be built on the Clipon site. Although the site’s environment is marked significantly by existing industrial activity, the nearby natural areas present ecological issues highlighted by preliminary studies (2007-2009). These issues required the assistance of an ecologist to monitor the work.

For this project, we provided fauna and flora expertise, analysed alternatives, evaluated impacts, proposed measures, prepared the application file for an exemption for destruction of protected species, participated in public meetings, integrated the environmental requirements in the specifications for construction firms, analysed the relevance of the technical provisions proposed by the agent and monitored the site.